What should we bring to the first class?
We provide most of the Learn to Swim learning equipment. Squad swimmers need to bring their own swimming kit.
All you need to bring is:
* Swim Suit
* Towel
* Cap and Goggles are available for purchase (Be sure to write your child’s name on them in permanent marker)
* Enthusiasm
What if my child cries or is afraid?
Our instructors are trained to deal with even the most fearful swimmer. We have many toys, songs and games, specially created for fearful swimmers. If you need help getting your child into the pool, ask our staff for assistance. We will gladly ease your child into the water and have them swimming happily in no time!
How will I know when my child is ready to move to the next level?
Talk to your instructor. Our staff constantly evaluates the swimmers. At the same time, remember, not to rush it. Each level builds upon your child’s ability to master the last level. A child rushed through our program will never be as good as the child that takes the time to master each element. Parents please remember that the journey from first blowing bubbles to swimming 50 metres takes several years. It is impractical to expect your child to master each skill level the first time they attempt it. Please be patient and supportive with your child! This is a skill that will last your child a lifetime.
I feel like my child is learning / progressing too slowly. What should I do?
It is very important that you speak with your child’s instructor immediately if you are not happy with the pace of your child’s progression. Plateaus are common, especially when a child faces a hurdle that is especially difficult for them. Our teachers are sensitive to these issues and are trained to motivate and guide swimmers through these peaks and valleys. It is crucial to keep communication open with your child’s teacher to overcoming these plateaus.
What is the duration of the swimming lesson?
Depending on the level of the swimmer it varies from 20 minutes for the Learn to Swim class, to 30 minutes for Stroke Correction groups and 90 to 120 minutes for Competitive Swimming classes.
From what age can I bring my child to swimming lessons?
We start giving swimming lessons to babies from the age of 6 months. It is necessary for the parent to be in the water during Mom’s and Tot’s swimming lessons.
When will my child be ‘water-safe’?
We believe there is no such thing as being ‘water-safe’. We teach our students how to love and respect the water and that they can never swim alone. In fact, adults should never swim alone either!
What if my child does not like swimming lessons?
Swimming, like many activities, generates anxiety in some children. This anxiety may be most evident on the first day of lessons, but as each week progresses, your child’s anxiety should become less evident. This is why we schedule multi-week sessions as time, familiarity and consistency ease the anxiety. Play is also a terrific teaching aid that we use. Stick with it mom and dad! This is a skill for life that you are giving your child.
Will my child be able to swim after a session of lessons?
Every child is different so we cannot comment on this until we know your goals and have had your child in the pool.
How many swimmers in a group?
We prefer giving individualised attention to our Learn to Swim groups and only allow two to three swimmers per coach. As the swimmers progress in their skills, the number of swimmers in the group increases.
Should my child eat before a swim lesson?
Please do not feed your child or give them milk or juice one hour before their swim lesson. Nervous children often swallow lots of air and sometimes water which may cause them to throw up.
Is it alright for my child to wear floaties or float bathing suits when we are not at lessons?
While floatation devices are a valuable teaching tool, we do not promote prolonged use of floatation devices of any kind for teaching swimming skills. When floating devices are used repetitively, children become accustomed to a vertical position and it makes it more difficult for them to adjust to a horizontal position – which is the position that is the safest and most efficient position for them in the water. However, we do consider safety of the utmost importance and believe floatation devices, like lifejackets, should be used in aquatic settings to protect children.
How frequently should I schedule my child’s lessons?
Each child is different and our program is set up to accommodate individual needs to optimise learning. Please take your child’s comfort level into consideration when making these decisions. If your child is frightened, we recommend scheduling lessons as frequently as possible. Otherwise, it depends on how quickly you want your child to learn. Children learn quicker if the lessons are more frequent.